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ughhh..I feel so dirty.....county??

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#21 ShLoNkY


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Posted 16 December 2006 - 11:17 AM

Country music is also THE MOST LISTENED TO MUSIC IN THE WORLD. That being said theres got to be a few tunes out there that catch your ear. :weee:
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#22 Frag0holic



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Posted 16 December 2006 - 03:18 PM

Country music is also THE MOST LISTENED TO MUSIC IN THE WORLD. That being said theres got to be a few tunes out there that catch your ear. :weee:

Oh, I highly doubt it is. Maybe if you count Elvis as country, which isn't really fair. I would think that pop-music, shit that gets played on the radio, is the most popular worldwide (because it really is a broad field). Country is big, but not outside the US (wouldn't surprise me if the Japanese listen to it though). Even Rock is probably bigger than Country, seeing that every mofo in Northern Europe and the US listen one form of it, or another.
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