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Banned for no specific reason

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#1 IrishMessiah



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Posted 21 December 2006 - 11:19 PM

So... It happened to be about 11PM EST 21 of December... Was playing some office like I do normally when AGAIN, Mad Hatter said something about the whole "No Using the Sniper Rooms". Ok, whatever... AGAIN, like everyday, all the admins and members and players get into an argument about using the Sniper Rooms in Office... WTF is the point of being a CT when 50% of your starting area is off limits. But I digress... this isn't part of my banning... Sooo we go on playing, I happened to have gotten rushed and flanked into the side room with the barrels. 7 T's, 1 CT... I'm not about to stand in the open and die. So I hide back in there and kill 4 or 5 of them... then I'm slain by an admin. Whatever, I let this one slide. I Pointed out that Xiertic had distinctly said "If T's rush garage and you're defending it, you can use the sniper rooms or Camp." WELL 7 T's and 1 CT... I do believe that's a rush...

So, I said something about it and Nagash kicked me, proceeding to say "Everytime you step foot in that room you'll get slain." Again 50% of my spawn area where they keep rushing from is off limits. Dare I say, Unbalanced? The only reason he even said anything is because it just so happened that he got killed while I was in the room and was avoiding certain death. The camping rule applies if you're "Holding Up the game". I did no such thing, I was in there for a total of 6 maybe 7 seconds, Killed 4 people (MAKING THE GAME FASTER), and stood up to begin my exit and head back toward garage and storm the office. But, Nagash found it rather enjoyable to slay me again. Now, not only had Chili and Xiertic said it was ok, But a few admins do use that room to begin with. Now, I don't exactly see how Nagash was justified in kicking me first off, I said to him "It seems like if you kill him he gets pissed and slays because he can't stand dying." Yes, I said it out of sheer anger at the fact he decided to kick me in the first place and slay me twice. Then he kicked and Banned me.

Irish Messiah

STEAM_0:1:9481534 is steam ID

Edited by IrishMessiah, 21 December 2006 - 11:22 PM.

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#2 poopsmcgee


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Posted 21 December 2006 - 11:23 PM

And everyone had a good laugh.

The End
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#3 SoulWind


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Posted 21 December 2006 - 11:26 PM

And everyone had a good laugh.

The End

let me make use of my first post to say that its not a perm ban from what I understand


I liek santa clause.
happy hollindaise.

Edited by SgtBUTTERYMUFFIN, 22 December 2006 - 12:43 AM.
some fun before i leave for MN

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#4 Billy Pumper

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Posted 21 December 2006 - 11:29 PM

im sure it wasn't perma,

the thing is back in the day just being in sniper rooms was a slayable offense. (what i liked) but know it is "ok" to be in there. But the thing is i can feel Nagash's pain because most ppl who go in sniper rooms do not just do it once they are repeat offenders. I am not going to lie it is f*cking annoying when you see the same person in the sniper rooms over and over and over even if it is for "7 secs"

anyway we are anxiously awaiting nagash'e reply
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#5 poopsmcgee


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Posted 21 December 2006 - 11:32 PM

im sure it wasn't perma,

the thing is back in the day just being in sniper rooms was a slayable offense. (what i liked) but know it is "ok" to be in there. But the thing is i can feel Nagash's pain because most ppl who go in sniper rooms do not just do it once they are repeat offenders. I am not going to lie it is f*cking annoying when you see the same person in the sniper rooms over and over and over even if it is for "7 secs"

anyway we are anxiously awaiting nagash'e reply

not to get off topic here but billy why are you wearing a thong in your sig?
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#6 Nagash


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Posted 21 December 2006 - 11:46 PM

I didn't ban you for goign into the sniper rooms. i banned you for calling out an admin. Plus it was only a 30 min ban. True you are and were a camping b*tch which caused me to slay and drug you.
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#7 IrishMessiah



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Posted 21 December 2006 - 11:47 PM

Listen, I understand it's annoying to use the sniper rooms, but I don't stay in there... it's a bit rediculous that T's get an even MORE Clear advantage over CT's not only on the map itself, but then the fact we can't snipe from that room or even use it as refuge to avoid the infamous garage rush which happens every other round on the server. I only go in that room when I see more than 6 people coming out from behind the dumpsters in the garage after I try to rush out there, and I don't IMMEDIATELY go there. I try to hold off garage from behind the dumpster or standing on the car and sniping. I only go there when my team has been eliminated or has fled.
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#8 IrishMessiah



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Posted 21 December 2006 - 11:49 PM

I actually thought it was Xiertic that drugged me to begin with, because he's silly like that
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#9 Tyler Durden

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Posted 22 December 2006 - 12:01 AM

let me make use of my first post to say that its not a perm ban from what I understand


Dude, first post should be in the introduce yourself section.

Please stop everything and go there now.

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#10 Sgt.Buttery


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Posted 22 December 2006 - 12:41 AM

I understand what you mean Messiah.
I can also understand why admin's (esp. ol school ones) don't like sniper rooms...

However if you called out an admin, then that makes sense to be temp banned.
Even then, it is not a perma ban. We only permaban total assholes, hackers, and repeat offenders.

You don't happen to be one of those...

Getting Ventrilo will also help you out. That way you can communicate with an admin (at least one is on always).
That will stop you from getting slayed/kicked/banned/etc.
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#11 TheHobo


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Posted 22 December 2006 - 01:11 AM

there does seem to be a arguement everytime i go to the server and i dont go there that often, but i think the SNIPER rooms should be well for snipers, not for people to camp in with a m4 watching the door way, o and irish 2 things being a new member dont mess with admins at all. and 2 sniper rooms are not 50% of ur options more like 10... :weee:
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#12 RogueAlly



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Posted 22 December 2006 - 01:32 AM

For all the non-admins that keep posting here, stop. If you are NOT the person that was banned and are NOT one of the admins you should have no reason to add your two cents.

the ONE possible exception is if you were also in the server and have something USEFUL to add. That is all.
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Posted 22 December 2006 - 03:28 AM

A good rule to go by is that when an admin says something is not ok, just dont do it. It's not a big deal. Even if an admin says something is ok, it's not the final word. Every admin has a slightly differing rule set.
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#14 IrishMessiah



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Posted 22 December 2006 - 09:58 AM

Fair enough
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#15 IrishMessiah



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Posted 22 December 2006 - 10:15 AM

The 30 Minute ban thing must be false, I'm still Banned from the server.
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#16 Sniprwulf


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Posted 22 December 2006 - 10:41 AM

Irish, its true that the camping sniper rooms are a little more allowed than they used2 be. Before, you weren't even allowed to go in there without being slayed. Now, usually we dont care as much and the rule in the servers I believe states something like "camping is allowed but dont slow down the pace of the game." Chances are if there are 7t's and you're the only ct left that you're going to die anyways... And nothing's worse than when everyone's waiting for the T's to find the one ct camping b*tch. I personally don't care too much about it unless time like that is wasted.. so yeah just listen to the admins on the servers from now on and everything should be cool.
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#17 Frag0holic



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Posted 22 December 2006 - 01:12 PM

I don't slay for sniper rooms anymore unless the CT is the last one left, and not actively fighting the T's.
Much better to make a beacon out of him :evilgrin:

Anyway, you should be unbanned now. I didn't see your ID in the list, but I force Unbanned it just to be sure. Enjoy, and be careful with the sniper rooms.
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#18 Iceman


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Posted 22 December 2006 - 01:39 PM

Just be happy the admins here are cool enough to only do short bans.

The way I deal with these sniper rooms (well, the logic behind when I camp and when I don't), is only camp in sniper room for first 30 secs to help stop rush. I'll camp front yard for the first minute too. I'll take the sniper rooms with a scout for first 30-60 secs, after 30 secs I always run out of the room so it doesn't look like camping.

Every admin is different. If the admin dies and goes to spec you and notices you are in the sniper room, and doesn't see a CT around, he could slay you (especially after you were warned). There is no reason to camp unless there is someone who is coming, and you have nowhere else to go.

CTs shouldn't camp at all after the start of the game imo, this is what slows things down way too much.
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#19 RogueAlly



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Posted 22 December 2006 - 02:28 PM

IRT #18

Read the whole thread before you reply, kthxbye.
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#20 Iceman


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Posted 22 December 2006 - 02:31 PM

What did I miss?

I'm just giving another person's opinion on how to handle sniper rooms.
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