I used to be an insta-slayer myself when I saw someone in sniper rooms, but for the exact reason Irish points out, I stopped doing it so readily. Hell when I'm playing CT and I see a gang of Ts rushing through garage at me, I'm not gonna just stand there like "k kill me". I'll duck back in there long enough to at least try and make a stand. If for whatever reason I actually survive, then I'll get out. It's jacktards that camp sniper rooms round after around with sh*t like scouts that gets on my nerves. But I agree with Frag, a beacon is just as fun as a slay.
What we NEED is an official, set-in-stone rule written on the MOTD screen so that there is confusion no longer. We're the only office server I've ever seen with a rule about those rooms, so new people coming to the server are going to go into there like they always do on every other server unless they have some way of knowing upon joining that camping the place is a big no-no.

Banned for no specific reason
Started by
, Dec 21 2006 11:19 PM
25 replies to this topic
Posted 22 December 2006 - 03:40 PM
Posted 22 December 2006 - 04:10 PM
Thanks Xiertic! Now the thing is... I NEVER Go in those rooms if I'm the last one alive, I'm not an idiot. If I'm the last one alive, I'll just start walking around and creep up to hosties. The only reason I use that one specific sniper room is because if T's rush garage, I snipe through the hole in the wall at spawn, then back into that room and kill the ones that are chasing me, Practically what you would consider Baiting. After I kill everyone that chased me, I begin to walk to the windows and procede to either A) Shoot the ones that went into the courtyard or B) I jump out the window and go in the underpass and up around the office to long hall. Anyone that has spec'd me a whole match during a T rush will know that this is my exact tactic every round I try to help hold off Garage.
Thanks again for the unbanning Frag, and thanks to everyone for understanding the confusion this may cause. I concur, a set in stone rule shall stop any further confusion!
Thanks again for the unbanning Frag, and thanks to everyone for understanding the confusion this may cause. I concur, a set in stone rule shall stop any further confusion!
Posted 22 December 2006 - 04:28 PM
IRT Iceman, from my previous post:
For all the non-admins that keep posting here, stop. If you are NOT the person that was banned and are NOT one of the admins you should have no reason to add your two cents.
the ONE possible exception is if you were also in the server and have something USEFUL to add. That is all.
To forestall any other argument, for the record Xiertic has served as an admin and as such has earned the right to post here.
For all the non-admins that keep posting here, stop. If you are NOT the person that was banned and are NOT one of the admins you should have no reason to add your two cents.
the ONE possible exception is if you were also in the server and have something USEFUL to add. That is all.
To forestall any other argument, for the record Xiertic has served as an admin and as such has earned the right to post here.
Posted 22 December 2006 - 04:47 PM
Sorry, I didn't know this forum was limited with who can/cant post- it sure would be nice if this was pointed out so new people to the forum (like me) would know. I was trying to help the poster so he understands why he might have been banned, but thanks for telling me about the rule.
Posted 23 December 2006 - 12:46 AM
I am going to do one last post on this subject.
Irish you camped the sniper rooms numerous times and was hiding behind the barrels picking people off who ran by. this isn't ducking into the sniper rooms for a reload or cover.
I did slap you and also drugged you to stop you from doing this. After you still kept on doing this I then began to slay you.
It was after a slay that you called me out which is the reason for the ban in the first place.
I have read all of your post here and you are trying to make it sound like you didn't camp the sniper rooms. In fact you camped the garage and sniper rooms almost all the time. there were only a few rounds that you rushed. Shadow has always said that it was ok for CT's to defend garage but after a min in game they should be movign towards the objective which you would only do when there was about a min left in the round and most of the time was the only CT left.
I do agree there should be something set in stone and it is something I always asked shadow for. I do think that in the MoTD there should be something about the sniper rooms.
But you need to remember if an admin asks you not to do something you need to listen. Even if the next time you play another admin says something different. We are all trusted to run the game servers to make them enjoyable for all and there are going to be different views on how to make enjoyable but we all try our best and are human.
So you did not get banned for "no specific reason" you got banned for calling out an admin.
I don't take kindly to disrespect and I'm faster to take action on disrespect than I am on a rules violation.
Irish you camped the sniper rooms numerous times and was hiding behind the barrels picking people off who ran by. this isn't ducking into the sniper rooms for a reload or cover.
I did slap you and also drugged you to stop you from doing this. After you still kept on doing this I then began to slay you.
It was after a slay that you called me out which is the reason for the ban in the first place.
I have read all of your post here and you are trying to make it sound like you didn't camp the sniper rooms. In fact you camped the garage and sniper rooms almost all the time. there were only a few rounds that you rushed. Shadow has always said that it was ok for CT's to defend garage but after a min in game they should be movign towards the objective which you would only do when there was about a min left in the round and most of the time was the only CT left.
I do agree there should be something set in stone and it is something I always asked shadow for. I do think that in the MoTD there should be something about the sniper rooms.
But you need to remember if an admin asks you not to do something you need to listen. Even if the next time you play another admin says something different. We are all trusted to run the game servers to make them enjoyable for all and there are going to be different views on how to make enjoyable but we all try our best and are human.
So you did not get banned for "no specific reason" you got banned for calling out an admin.
I don't take kindly to disrespect and I'm faster to take action on disrespect than I am on a rules violation.
Posted 23 December 2006 - 02:00 AM
With that post I'm going to close this thread and consider it dealt with. If you have any problem with this PM me and I will consider reopening it.
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