Yeah I did that after reading that topic Chris posted.
You sure? Cause I went to your site before I switched I know. Maybe I just wasn't getting the full thing or something.
But here update: It's been running a ton slower than IE ever did. I was on yahoo mail and when I was typing it was showing up well after I typed it if you've ever experienced that before. I uninstalled all the addons I had gotten to just to see if that would help and it didn't. Right now I went back to IE unless someone can tell me a way to make this better. My brother still insists that it will make your computer run slower too.
Help would be appreciated.
Tell your brother he's a diseased cunt who doesn't know anything. A program only takes up resources and slows you down when it's running. Firefox isn't running all the time. And if you can run CS:S and get decent frames, you should haven no problems with Firefox.
BTW the problem with IE and my site lays within the downloads section, try going there in IE6 and you'll see, the downloads table won't even show up. I haven't tried IE7.
Your fanboyism knows no bounds. There are alot of websites that have problems in FireFox and work much better in IE. Acclaim's website is one that I know of because I had to use it get off a mailing list and it forced me to use IE. There are also some image hosting sites that don't work in Firefox either. Hell, f*cking Bank of America sometimes has issues with FireFox when I'm doing my banking.
Fanboyism? Firefox is a better browser. It's a
fact. Not an opinion. But a fact. Anything that has more features, is safer, and easier to code for
is better.
Notice how I said 'websites that don't suck ass.' I don't go to websites that suck ass. Therefore, I don't need to open anything in IE. Every site I use works in Firefox and some work better. Hell, on my site, this image:

is a .png with transparency. Now if you're a good boy and using Firefox, it displays the transparency. If you're retarded or at work and using IE, it doesn't. Explain to me how liking a browser that does what it's supposed to is fanboyism??