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#21 PandaHippie718


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Posted 23 May 2007 - 03:54 PM

getting herpes simplex 1 or "cold sores" would not have anything to do with the back of his throat. They would just be little red sores on the outside or inside of his lips. The clap and other STDs are contracted when the hoo hoo dilly meets the cha cha. Which unless billy is holding out on us the full story he shouldnt worry about.

You are wrong, people can most definately get the clap and gonnerhea on their face. First off, "pink eye" also known as Conjuctivistis, is Claymedia of the face.

Also, there is more then just cold sores you can get from herpes on her face. Babies who are born of women who have herpes, have to be carefully watched, if the woman gave the baby herpes, and it shows, it'll be all over their body in sores, it could also cause their eyes to close up and blindness.

i would show you pictures of any of those of the face, as soon as I get home, because they are raunchy and i am still at work.

Yes these are STD's but, they are also viruses and bacterias. Just because they are mostly transmitted through sex, doesn't mean they can't attack other parts of the body when you come in contact with it. It is primarily what it is, a virus or bacteria. Just like a cold or flu. Can affect many things, even though a cold usually makes you sneeze and cough and the flu usually makes you vomit.

So, don't be so narrow minded. A virus is a virus is a virus. HIV is the same way. You can catch it by having sex, but also, by sharing needles with someone who has it. Even coming in contact with their blood on an open wound of yours. You don't have to have sex with someone to get HIV!
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#22 Glacius


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Posted 23 May 2007 - 04:02 PM

You are wrong, people can most definately get the clap and gonnerhea on their face. First off, "pink eye" also known as Conjuctivistis, is Claymedia of the face.

Also, there is more then just cold sores you can get from herpes on her face. Babies who are born of women who have herpes, have to be carefully watched, if the woman gave the baby herpes, and it shows, it'll be all over their body in sores, it could also cause their eyes to close up and blindness.

i would show you pictures of any of those of the face, as soon as I get home, because they are raunchy and i am still at work.

Yes these are STD's but, they are also viruses and bacterias. Just because they are mostly transmitted through sex, doesn't mean they can't attack other parts of the body when you come in contact with it. It is primarily what it is, a virus or bacteria. Just like a cold or flu. Can affect many things, even though a cold usually makes you sneeze and cough and the flu usually makes you vomit.

So, don't be so narrow minded. A virus is a virus is a virus. HIV is the same way. You can catch it by having sex, but also, by sharing needles with someone who has it. Even coming in contact with their blood on an open wound of yours. You don't have to have sex with someone to get HIV!

where in the post did you about HIV contraction? i merely stated that as an example AIDs is hardly transmiteed through bareback fellatio.

OPEN UP YOUR EYES AND READ, yes some of your information has merit. But it is completely irreelevant to the topic at hand. ALL STD's have an incubation period, it will not automatically flare up after a couple days. Do not believe everything you read on the internet, because most of the time it is people talking out of their ass. The information im providing to Billy is coming straight from a Physician's mouth, that i am currently working under. So unless you can get some information that is above his pay grade pelase be quiet
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#23 Cheat|Raab


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Posted 23 May 2007 - 04:17 PM

mm flaming on an a sick mans topic ftw.

get better man..and stop f*ckin around wit nasty b*tches
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#24 kidcapri


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Posted 23 May 2007 - 04:46 PM

LOL seems to have eaten a taco with a little extra cottage cheese. I am pretty sure its what a doctor would call "thrush". It develops very quickly and causes white sours pretty much anywhere in your mouth. In worst case scenarios, in the back of your throat. Thus making it hard to swallow food and drink. Now don't think just because she didn't have cottage cheese oozing out of her vag that she didn't have a yeast infection. It is hardly noticeable at the beginning and the end. Now if you were drinking beer the night you ate the dirty taco, that makes the growth process that much quicker and stronger. Beer encourages yeast growth.

What I would do is, go to your doctor or your dentist and get him to test you for it. Then get prescribed some antifungal medication. Until then, try eating some unflavored yogurt. You sick bastard.

Yeah I have had it too.
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#25 Constantine


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Posted 23 May 2007 - 04:54 PM

It's strep and you Dr. doesn't know how to use a swab. Definately not mono. Could be primary herpes in the back of the throat, which is viral, and antibiotics do nothing to anything viral. By the way, herpes follows the nerve tracts of the trigeminal nerve, which is basically everything in the head and neck, so you can get herpes anywhere. Could also be infected tonsils.

Warm saltwater rinses, chloroseptic throat spray, and a good dose of PenVK 500 will clear it up.

Oh, get a new Dr.

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#26 Constantine


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Posted 23 May 2007 - 04:59 PM

oh yeah, could be a candida(yeast) infection, but back of the throat is an uncommon spot. You test it with a "wipe" test. If the white comes off, then its candida. Herpes has a "dew drop" look and it described as vesciles exuding clear liquid, not puss-like material. I'm telling you, it's a strain of strep. Either strep throat, or infected tonsils.
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#27 kidcapri


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Posted 23 May 2007 - 04:59 PM


Post some pics!

Edited by kidcapri, 23 May 2007 - 05:00 PM.

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#28 Buck_Shot



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Posted 23 May 2007 - 05:01 PM

oh yeah, could be a candida(yeast) infection, but back of the throat is an uncommon spot. You test it with a "wipe" test. If the white comes off, then its candida. Herpes has a "dew drop" look and it described as vesciles exuding clear liquid, not puss-like material. I'm telling you, it's a strain of strep. Either strep throat, or infected tonsils.

Dentists ftw!!!!

listen to big daddy C he knows his sh*t billy
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#29 -=Penguin=-


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Posted 23 May 2007 - 05:10 PM

dont start arguing on this thread, just tell billy what's what and leave it at that, he asked how likely it is to get an infection like that in his mouth
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#30 Lone Rapist

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Posted 23 May 2007 - 05:11 PM

any way looking at it, you have some thing.

by the sounds of it, i think its yeast.
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#31 PandaHippie718


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Posted 23 May 2007 - 05:12 PM

mm flaming on an a sick mans topic ftw.

get better man..and stop f*ckin around wit nasty b*tches

I like his responce best!

Okay, whatever. I'm sorry I made everyone mad. I know STD's have an incubation period. I wans't questioning that. But you said that STDs could only be transmitted genital to genital, but that's not so. It's just the most common way!


This dude is f*cking SICK! Don't get all pissy at me! I'm just a dumb blonde, don't you know that! *tilts head*
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#32 kidcapri


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Posted 23 May 2007 - 05:20 PM

I am willing to bet that since you were munching some girls rug on friday that it is thrush (yeast infection). If you were drinking beer before you munched on this girls rug, then that makes even more likely. But, at the same time, you can get strep from being in a crowded place (bar, school, work, etc.)
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#33 Billy Pumper

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Posted 23 May 2007 - 05:41 PM

thanks C i could ask my dad and he would be able to tell me staigt up one way or another and what to do (he a pharmacist), he already said that my doctor was an iddiot and basically stole 100 from me for just giving me litacane and penacillan. anyway i kind of lied to my old man and told him it was a sinus infection blah blah blah so he gave me a zpack

also he said that because of the fires down here (remember south GA is on fire and we haven't seen blue sky in over a month) that smoke inhalation combined with stuff like poison ivy being burned could affect people who spend alot of time outside (ima lifeguard 10 hours a day.

so yeah i didn't tell my old man i was munchin rug and im worried about it but i geuss ill know in a day or two...hurts like a bitch
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#34 Billy Pumper

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Posted 23 May 2007 - 05:42 PM

btw i was really drunk from yes beer. so maybe kapri. my roomates boyfriend said he got a yeast infection from her from doing the same thing he said he was fine
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#35 At The Gates

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Posted 23 May 2007 - 05:49 PM

if it smells like fish it's a mighty fine dish, if it smells like cologne leave it the hell alone.

Edited by At The Gates, 23 May 2007 - 05:49 PM.

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#36 Billy Pumper

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Posted 23 May 2007 - 05:54 PM

it looked ok and smelled fine lol it was actually morning after pussy which is weird cause usually you beat that shit out and have one of those wierd awkward mornings but this was different lol i was pretty much sober. anyway
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#37 Glacius


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Posted 23 May 2007 - 06:13 PM

hope everything gets squared away billy!
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#38 Lone Rapist

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Posted 23 May 2007 - 06:46 PM

you should be fine, or hopefully, we see your gd fires up here in north georgia.
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#39 PandaHippie718


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Posted 23 May 2007 - 08:14 PM

ha ha, you f*ckin ate nasty sour loose droop pussy.

Dude, you f*ckin ate your own cream pie, after it had settled, and after it mixed in with her CLAP!
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#40 Cleric


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Posted 23 May 2007 - 08:21 PM

It's strep and you Dr. doesn't know how to use a swab.

Exactly. Wish I would have phrased it like that.
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