nothing to do with vid games
Posted 06 February 2006 - 11:17 AM
i will start off and say that i am a christian, (i don't care what you think, i know you don't care what i think either ok now that we are done with that) i am tired of a bunch of f*cking retards using the muslim religion to be a bunch of f*cking terrorists. ok i read the paper today and here is what jumped out at me
muslims rioting and setting fire to a Danish embasy over a f*cking cartoon depicting mohomad
other muslim ppl (i geuss) rioting and setting fire to a travel company cause one of their cruis/ferry boats sank
iran saying that diplomatic negotiations are not out yet, yet they go ahead and f*cking inrich uranium
ok ppl make fun of jesus and god all the time, so what thats what they think whatever i don't kill ppl over it damn
we didin't burn down TWA when their plane crashed i mean hell no one would do that on purpose and if they did its not the secretary or office workers fault, christ wtf
and finally Irans president is insane he has publicly said (in the past) that given the opportunity he would do whatever it takes to wipe Isreal off the map. what do you think that means (i mean nuclear power for the country yeah im sure but i betcha he has an alternate plan)
i know this is long, and slightly political sorry but these aren't muslims they are a bunch of f*cking retards using religion as an excuse to act like a big f*cking teenage gang. i say we shoot grenades at these ppl instead of tear gas. just my opinion call me an asshole if you want
Posted 06 February 2006 - 11:36 AM
Posted 06 February 2006 - 11:46 AM
f*cking arabs... Isrealites are not much better for the record.
Posted 06 February 2006 - 11:53 AM
on another note the pakistan president said that the holocoust didn't even happen lol ok stupid paki
and while the jews aren't much better (they wanna wipe everyone out over there) they are our only real friends in that sh*thole of the earth
Edited by Billy Pumper, 06 February 2006 - 11:55 AM.
Posted 06 February 2006 - 11:59 AM

Posted 06 February 2006 - 12:05 PM
Posted 06 February 2006 - 12:09 PM
o this just in lol
IRAN HAS CUT ALL TIES WITH DENMARK DUE TO THE CARTOON lol i can't imagine the panic that is going on in denmark lol i mean did these retards think that they weren't in the news enoough that they had to get in on the cartoon bullsh*t roflmao anyway i have to stop this be back later
ima ann somethin to my sig about this lol
Posted 06 February 2006 - 12:13 PM

Posted 06 February 2006 - 12:18 PM
i will find out who said it but the quote goes something like this
democracy is the worst form of government that has worked yet.
i could go into a HUGE political discussion about this and explain the evolution of govt but lets not do that pls
Posted 06 February 2006 - 12:51 PM
unfortunately same region also hosts the biggest religional fundamentalist countries of the world. these areas are where most of the religions born. so fundamentalism is a natural outcome of the history of the area.
if those people had little bit sense they would be oil rich by now instead of living in sh*t. but they don't. instead of they are ruled by clerics and clans who really after nothing but power by ruling people who are still has middle ages mindset. no where in muslim teaching says killing a person grants you heaven. its actually says life given by god, and only can be taken by him. you don't have the option to even kill yourself.
I'm a muslim and I'm married to a catholic. and we are so happy together. I just wish same happiness and understanding to rest of the world.
*gobble* *gobble* *gobble*
edit: typo
Edited by ghozy, 06 February 2006 - 01:07 PM.
Posted 06 February 2006 - 01:18 PM
that killing thing comes from when the first time muhammed established religion some of the other powers around declared a war on muslims. that war exactly for the ending islam religion. and then muhammed says if you die while defending your religion its called cihad, you go to heaven. but now some dumbass are really good on brainwashing people with this idea. and they totaly forget the reason of it. which is supposed the be exactly to defend your religion. you can't fly into another country and blow sh*t up and call it defending your religion. you guarantie having your place in hell by doing that according to muslim teachings. but as i said people like to understand everything to their way. and there will be other people to abuse that always.
Posted 06 February 2006 - 01:29 PM
i can't believe this took off like it did, everymorning i watch the news and just get f*cking pissed i just decided to b*tch to someone today lol thx guys

Posted 06 February 2006 - 01:32 PM
The "original" muslim religion wasn't a bad thing. The radicals in today's era just screwed it up and twisted it to control people.
Shame all the hate and turmol over in the middle east.
i like this i made the thread that got ghozy to actually really respond, cause he is usually like um uh my english is no so good, its a cover....hes a genius lol.
i can't believe this took off like it did, everymorning i watch the news and just get f*cking pissed i just decided to b*tch to someone today lol thx guys
ahahaahah. I'm good when I'm typing. I played M.U.D.s very long time actually its where I met with my wife. its pain in the ass when i try to talk though. but its getting better. I think...

Posted 06 February 2006 - 01:32 PM
our country is one of the few without an official language (which is bullsh*t) or religion which is why we were founded
Posted 06 February 2006 - 01:40 PM
Posted 06 February 2006 - 01:43 PM
Posted 06 February 2006 - 01:45 PM
and I'm in for the LAN party!
Posted 06 February 2006 - 01:51 PM

Posted 06 February 2006 - 02:04 PM
but ofcourse same radical types (they are not even radical they are just twisted) wants to punish the worst way possible any offense against any religional ascpect or idea. because their existence rely on the untouchablesness of their believes. say in some islamic countries saying a bad word about jesus or even slightly mocking in a joke is punishable with execution.
Posted 06 February 2006 - 02:09 PM
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