The Man in the Shadows
Posted 05 September 2006 - 06:16 PM
Posted 05 September 2006 - 10:09 PM
Posted 05 September 2006 - 10:50 PM

Very nice story!
Funny how Ashbash is a girl in the story, suits him

Posted 06 September 2006 - 12:24 AM

Posted 06 September 2006 - 01:12 AM
I only read the first chapter, because i have to go to bed, as i, unfortunatelly, have to get up for work early in the morning tomorrow...
But Volga, man... that's awesome. Im sure it would make that screetching sound you describe; however, im not sure anymore - russians seem to be making better cars as of now.
Anyway, where are you actually from?
Posted 06 September 2006 - 04:04 PM
Aziz- I'm actually from Minnesota :P. State of the Nuclear Mosquito FTW. I tried to be descriptive with the car because I was looking up a Russian car type on Wiki and as soon as I saw the front-on pic of the '56 Volga I fell in love

Buck- You did get a few lines, in the discussion scene in Chap Three, which, despite my dislike of it, was a pretty important scene.
I would just like to say that after writing it I hated that scene. It seems to go with the story like the whole Anakin Dream Bullsh*t did to Episode Three. We've got to shoot whoever the f*ck is writing the scripts for those sh*theaps and use the book universe as the scrips for 7, 8, and 9. That way we'd have ACTUAL WRITERS on those movies.
In response to Ezekiel's post, Xiertic pretty much summed it up. Even with only giving some characters one or two lines and not giving some any (I would have loved writing Nagash, Buck, and SoCo some lines), the story is still TEN THOUSAND f*cking WORDS. That's more than I've ever written on one project, hands-down. (I tried to make up for Nagash's and Billy's short supplies of lines, none at all for Nag's case, by letting them waste Ozzy and Ash :D )
After seeing Ash's avatar and reading some of the more prominent posts by that person, I had actually thought that Ashbash WAS a girl

Frag- I loved giving you lines in this thing because I decided that one person would do all the outrageous killing/wounding stunts, and when I picked a random name it turned out to be Frag. You got the monitor scene and the barricade fights- two of my favorite scenes in my imagination.
Chili- you weren't at the Silo Battle because you got your stupid self shot :D. The lines about Shadow's last squad at the end of Chapter Nine display that. And I also had some characters who I hadn't given enough focus (hell, I totally forgot Wyte until Chapter Nine, and I missed Nagash completely until Chapter Ten- DOH

X- Nekulturny is a Russian insult that means "uncivilized". It pretty much fit with the quote from the preceding line..
Styx and Gates- You two actually seem like you'd be an insane team in CS if you worked together, I don't know why but it seems like it. Gates gave a creative description of his akzint in the Heritage thread, so he HAD to have a speaking role. Bostonian Cowboys For The Pwn. And though it may have been missed, a lot of tedious speaking roles in the "explaining sh*t" parts of the story had lines from under-spoken characters- I tried hard to keep it equal, though there were obviously a few focused-on characters

Chris- AWESOME I DID MANAGE TO GET MY NAME INTO THE BoSS MAP VIA INSPIRATION OMGPWN! J/K. Honestly, though, that's awesome. I honestly hated taking you, as ARCHITECT, out so early in the story, but it was necessary to the plot. And I wrote the BoSS building half as I saw it, half as you made it. I had to have a mess hall- a compound for fighting is, in my story plot device book, not complete without a big multi-doored room that the defenders build one huge table barricade in. Halls have the corpses pile up too quickly in slaughter scenes- that is honest truth, and something that a good writer should think about. The corpses of the enemy that the hero is wasting aren't gonna vanish into the floor- they'll pile up.
Shadow- Heh. You know you loved it.
Speaker- You DID get banned a whiles back, starting a conflict of interest that I will not elaborate on anymore, so it made sense to put you in the role. I also couldn't think of how to write you, so I basically decided, "f*ck it", and had you be a victim. One of my better murder descriptions too.
Bossman- I KNOW you're reading this under a new account. I will address you thus. The ONLY reason I had you be unbanned in the story was because I didn't want to sacrifice any of the regular members. I don't know what you did to get banned, but if you got banned then you most likely deserved it, since you seemed to have been in higher esteem prior to your banning. I got the idea for Bossman's death from a book I once read. It is gruesomely painful, extremely embarassing (who wants to be remembered as the guy who got pinned to the wall by his dick?), and takes quite a while to kill.
Pusadolfo- Lol, you just seemed like the interrogator type. I wanted to use characters that I hadn't had the chance to use before, so I put Sarge and Bojo as the ground-level interrogation people, the ones who get the info, and put Pusa and Massacre into the positions of the people who make the untalkative ones talk. They both seemed to fit the role. Also, Pusa offered help at the Heritage thread despite being drunk. That level of endurance earned him a good role, if a one-time role.
Snipes- While I do like that you love the story, you posted one thing about yourself when I asked- that you were drunk. That largely afffected the role you played

Gaara- Gaara = Meatshield, duh

Woo. Lotsa writing. Reminds me of my NTAG days. Glad you loved the story, sequel probably not gonna come till next summer- school is a big eater of my writing/CS time. Keep posting if you haven't- I do not want to kill my own story thread here.
Posted 06 September 2006 - 06:40 PM
it's always good to help others, even when drunk jeje.
Posted 06 September 2006 - 07:21 PM

Edited by Buck_Shot, 06 September 2006 - 07:27 PM.
Posted 06 September 2006 - 09:09 PM
X- Nekulturny is a Russian insult that means "uncivilized". It pretty much fit with the quote from the preceding line..
Oh.. Well that's actually pretty accurate, so I guess I can't say anything.
Posted 06 September 2006 - 09:36 PM
Man, lots of reply work to do. I'll go backwards.
In response to Ezekiel's post, Xiertic pretty much summed it up. Even with only giving some characters one or two lines and not giving some any (I would have loved writing Nagash, Buck, and SoCo some lines), the story is still TEN THOUSAND f*cking WORDS. That's more than I've ever written on one project, hands-down. (I tried to make up for Nagash's and Billy's short supplies of lines, none at all for Nag's case, by letting them waste Ozzy and Ash :D )
Wait. How the hell did Xiertic sum up the fact that using "noob" and "T Spawn weapon" pulled me out of the story?

Though, to be fair. I've never been fond of words associated with gaming. "Pwned", "Newb", "Noob", "Newbie", "Nob", etc can kill any story for me. Not to mention if used in excess in real life conversations, can cause me to become violent.
Posted 06 September 2006 - 09:54 PM
Styx and Gates- You two actually seem like you'd be an insane team in CS if you worked together, I don't know why but it seems like it. Gates gave a creative description of his akzint in the Heritage thread, so he HAD to have a speaking role. Bostonian Cowboys For The Pwn. And though it may have been missed, a lot of tedious speaking roles in the "explaining sh*t" parts of the story had lines from under-spoken characters- I tried hard to keep it equal, though there were obviously a few focused-on characters
. Can you blame me though? My story.
I think it's interesting you said that, because I think Gates and I have only ever been in any of the servers together twice, once on Server 3 for sure, and I think once on Server 1, and we were going against each other both times. I'll have to keep that in mind, though, and maybe get in contact with Gates and see if we can team up some time.
Posted 06 September 2006 - 11:48 PM
Posted 07 September 2006 - 12:16 AM
Amazingly enough, it looks like Commie has something in common with both Ziros and I... if I'm correct about where he got the name Lunatic from and the idea about its construction.
Nice story.
Posted 07 September 2006 - 12:18 AM
you are a good writer and i enjoyed it
i think that with a little more writing and some more length that would make an awesome book/ the best B movie i have ever seen
Posted 07 September 2006 - 01:50 AM
Posted 07 September 2006 - 11:21 AM
if you read this thinking that it is going to be anything but fiction, you won't enjoy it. but i liked it.
can't wait for the B movie to come out on the Sci-Fi channel lol
Posted 07 September 2006 - 11:27 AM
Posted 07 September 2006 - 03:19 PM
After seeing the response that you guys gave- and I thank you for it- I've gone digging through half-finished ideas and uncompleted stories that I have in a stack in a box, and I've found one that'll work well for what I have in mind for the sequel. I may release the first chapter as a spoiler soon- just to get you all begging for more

Oh! And before I forget.
While I was working on the story, I basically drew names out of a hat to decide who got some roles, since I knew they'd be wanted. Since the Nine never use names, I had to create a list of codenames for every person on the cast list. Here's that list- If you're not on it, tell me, and I'll come up with something. I didn't update the two lists at the same speed, though, so they differ in parts.
DarkShadow: TYRANT
Ace of Spades: CARDSHARK
Billy Pumper: PR0NMAN
Chilidog: MANIAC
Cleric: MEDIC
Communist: BOOMSTICK
Constantine: EMPEROR
Korosys420: REEFER
MadHatter: ECHELON
Nagash: HIPPIE
Pusadolfo: BARHOPPER
RogueAlly: REBEL
StonedHatter: BLUNT
Sniprwulf: VODKA
Tjhooker: PIMP
Tyler Durden: PUNCH BUGGY
WyteMafia: IVORY
Youwerekilledbythis -->: WEAPON
MalleyMcnasty: UNIQUE
Novahawk: HAX
At The Gates: COWBOY
Killswitch: LONER
Ellisracing: HOTROD
J.Pizzack: TESTER
Kidcapri: YOUNG'N
Mandarque: BUSTER
Mr. Sticks: ROBOTO
NC Derek: PERV
Sgt. Bojo: CHOCOBO
Buck_Shot: ELMER
100|SoCo: VICTOR
Wolapitor: WEIRDO
XxInColdBloodxX: REPTILE
Yatzee_Squirrel: NUTCASE
Jediwho?: UNKNOWN
Deathblooms: FLYTRAP
Notorious SoB: NIGGA
Crazy Ivan: RUSSKIE
Don't ask me where I came up with the names from. I honestly don't know. Some of them just came out of nowhere.
Edited by Communist, 07 September 2006 - 03:30 PM.
Posted 07 September 2006 - 04:02 PM
I don't speak Russian, but I have picked up a few bits and phrases in books over the years- just enough to make it seem plausible. I want to learn Russian though- it's a fascinating language, and it gives itself easily to beautiful prose.
After seeing the response that you guys gave- and I thank you for it- I've gone digging through half-finished ideas and uncompleted stories that I have in a stack in a box, and I've found one that'll work well for what I have in mind for the sequel. I may release the first chapter as a spoiler soon- just to get you all begging for more.
Oh! And before I forget.
While I was working on the story, I basically drew names out of a hat to decide who got some roles, since I knew they'd be wanted. Since the Nine never use names, I had to create a list of codenames for every person on the cast list. Here's that list- If you're not on it, tell me, and I'll come up with something. I didn't update the two lists at the same speed, though, so they differ in parts.
DarkShadow: TYRANT
Ace of Spades: CARDSHARK
Billy Pumper: PR0NMAN
Chilidog: MANIAC
Cleric: MEDIC
Communist: BOOMSTICK
Constantine: EMPEROR
Korosys420: REEFER
MadHatter: ECHELON
Nagash: HIPPIE
Pusadolfo: BARHOPPER
RogueAlly: REBEL
StonedHatter: BLUNT
Sniprwulf: VODKA
Tjhooker: PIMP
Tyler Durden: PUNCH BUGGY
WyteMafia: IVORY
Youwerekilledbythis -->: WEAPON
MalleyMcnasty: UNIQUE
Novahawk: HAX
At The Gates: COWBOY
Killswitch: LONER
Ellisracing: HOTROD
J.Pizzack: TESTER
Kidcapri: YOUNG'N
Mandarque: BUSTER
Mr. Sticks: ROBOTO
NC Derek: PERV
Sgt. Bojo: CHOCOBO
Buck_Shot: ELMER
100|SoCo: VICTOR
Wolapitor: WEIRDO
XxInColdBloodxX: REPTILE
Yatzee_Squirrel: NUTCASE
Jediwho?: UNKNOWN
Deathblooms: FLYTRAP
Notorious SoB: NIGGA
Crazy Ivan: RUSSKIE
Don't ask me where I came up with the names from. I honestly don't know. Some of them just came out of nowhere.
Some of those codenames fit perfectly! There are a few out of place, but most are dead on. Like mine for example, being ROBOTO (Even though it's another damn Styx reference, which I didn't get my name from) or Gaara's IMMIGRANT (ROFL) or Chris' ARCHITECT (perfect codename). Too bad not all the codenames were addressed at one point or another in the story, but I understand that would have taken SO long! Again, great work on the story Commie.
Posted 07 September 2006 - 04:08 PM
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