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Looking for a good comp to run CSS n other games

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#41 kidcapri


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Posted 06 January 2007 - 01:34 PM

Ok if you have had a shop open for ten years and you haven't gotten a distributor by now, something is definately wrong with you. There are people that run computer shops out of their house and still have a f*cking distributor. You could double your profits instantly.

Yes 400 dollars to build a 600 dollar computer is insane. I have seen sh*t like that at local computer stores and that is the main reason I build my own computers and order from newegg. The only reason I would think about buying a part locally would be the convience of it.

Around here I have pretty much figured out, to keep a shop open you need to make it convenient and well priced to make the people happy. Happy customer equals returning customer.
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