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Halo 3 gets pwnt.

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#21 Halcomb


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Posted 30 September 2007 - 05:12 AM

you link a f*ckin article that says nothing even close to "halo 3 causes red rings of death"

yes your assumption was pretty neanderthal, glad you picked up on that.

i've already said i've linked an "actual news source" meaning that i didn't want to glean through the tens of thousands of f*cking forum posts on literally every forum involving a f*cking microsoft gaming platform. let's pretend you're a horse, apparently you're saying that i have to lead you to water and f*cking drown you in it before you can drink. :wtf:

Edited by Halcomb, 30 September 2007 - 05:20 AM.

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#22 Halcomb


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Posted 30 September 2007 - 05:24 AM

Well, if you must know, my 360 ring of deathed this spring within a week of getting an intercooler. It is a POS.
When the 360 crashes, if it is performing a HDD access, it can very well corrupt the drive. When it's just running, I have no reason to believe the game corrupts the hard drive. Unless I missed something pretty huge, there's a link to an article put out last month saying that 360s fail, and the only mention of halo 3 is about some kid wanting it:

ya know, because the only merits of halo3 are that it has violence in it. (mostly violence of people beating the heads of 12 year olds in because they sound like kids on live)

Now that I'm done with this petty argument for now, it's toga party time

ok, same as my last statement- i wanted to link an actual news source. perhaps i should have linked the blogs, bungie forum posts, etc. general consensus = halo 3 caused a malfuntion.

Edited by Halcomb, 30 September 2007 - 05:35 AM.

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#23 Novahawk



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Posted 30 September 2007 - 01:04 PM

seriously, just because 100 people on the internet say that Halo 3 caused the rrod does not mean halo 3 has anything to do with it... how about the other millions who it didn't cause the rrod for?

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#24 Chris82


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Posted 30 September 2007 - 01:48 PM

Software tells hardware what to do.

If the software (Halo 3) tells the hardware (Xbox) to do something that might in some instances (100/1,000,000) cause the Xbox 360 to have a RRoD (overheat) then there can be a problem.
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#25 Xiertic


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Posted 30 September 2007 - 05:32 PM

Yeah seriously, just because 100 people on the internet say that Halo 3 caused the rrod does not mean halo 3 has anything to do with it... how about the other millions who it didn't cause the rrod for?

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#26 Halcomb


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Posted 30 September 2007 - 05:52 PM

so what? saying that it doesn't happen to everyone means it isn't happening? that's like saying AIDS doesn't exist.
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#27 Smalls


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Posted 30 September 2007 - 06:32 PM

so what? saying that it doesn't happen to everyone means it isn't happening? that's like saying AIDS doesn't exist.

Great leap there buddy.

Why don't you (and chris) just accept that Halo 3 has as much to do with the RRoD as Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

The RRoD is caused by overheating. NOT a game. If there was some other error, then it wouldn't be the RRoD!
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#28 Novahawk



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Posted 30 September 2007 - 07:21 PM

If a certain software caused the RRoD, the every single xbox that used the software would get the RRoD, since guess what, the hardware on all xbox's is identical... most PCs though are unique in some way, so some software can have conflicts with some hardware configurations, but consoles all have identical hardware, which is what makes them consoles...
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#29 Cyprus


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Posted 30 September 2007 - 08:11 PM

If a certain software caused the RRoD, the every single xbox that used the software would get the RRoD, since guess what, the hardware on all xbox's is identical... most PCs though are unique in some way, so some software can have conflicts with some hardware configurations, but consoles all have identical hardware, which is what makes them consoles...

True. I guess a reason why people are crying fowl with halo 3 is the fact that they're playing it too much. The 360 already has a problem with overheating. People are just putting two and two together.

It seems that halo 3 causing RRoDs can seem absurd. But, I can see where Chris and Halcomb are coming from.
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#30 medel


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Posted 01 October 2007 - 12:58 AM

It's just sh*tty hardware with a game that pushes it. If the f*cking 360 had proper thermal throttling, you'd just get some lag instead. As it is now, just keep it in a well ventilated area (preferably cool) and it will last a lot longer. When every major game to come out suddenly causes RRoDs, it's probably not the games, it's the usage increase. Hate the player (both person + hardware) not the game. That is, unless the game just sucks.:D
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Posted 01 October 2007 - 07:55 PM

in some instances (100/1,000,000) cause the Xbox 360 to have a RRoD

You are teh sux at fractions. Locked to cockblock anymore cripple fighting.
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