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Air Power Cars

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#21 EVIL Shenanigans

EVIL Shenanigans

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Posted 29 October 2007 - 10:46 AM

ill steal the thunder from ezekiel and ill inform you that the engine is aluminum as said in the vid.

Heh...i know, bro. The engine, the frame of the car, and possibly the vehicles body itself is all aluminum...which is a scary thought when goin 65-ish and gettin in a wreck with an all-steel hummer, as frag pointed out. I've heard of Aluminum that is stronger than steel, but all i heard in the video is how super-light the Aluminum in question is and nothing about its strength, hence my curiosity...
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#22 monster


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Posted 29 October 2007 - 01:26 PM

Well, for a car that small, the more of the impact that the metal absorbs, the less your body absorbs during the crash.
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#23 Armitage



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Posted 29 October 2007 - 08:07 PM

the only cars we will ever get is the hybrid model that runs on petrol fuels...why? because our government depends on taxes, and gasoline tax is one of the main source of tax income.......i had a lengthy convo with a guy who tried to buy and bring a prototype back to the states with him and he was not able to because it was labeled a customs violation. got to love that. :tdown:
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#24 Frag0holic



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Posted 30 October 2007 - 12:39 AM

the only cars we will ever get is the hybrid model that runs on petrol fuels...why? because our government depends on taxes, and gasoline tax is one of the main source of tax income.......i had a lengthy convo with a guy who tried to buy and bring a prototype back to the states with him and he was not able to because it was labeled a customs violation. got to love that. :tdown:

Gasoline tax is not a main source of income for the government, in fact it's not a source of income (as profit) at all. All that money goes to upkeep of transportation networks.
Don't blame it on the government. If anything, it's the oil companies that have too much influence in the government. You gotta remember that the government is so much more than just the white house.
Also, the countries in the video all have MUCH higher gasoline taxes than the US, and they use it for general revenue, which means those governments would be more eager to keep gasoline consumption up. Yet that's where all the innovation in the transportation field is taking place. Something fishy is going on, that much is clear.
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