GTA 4 is amazing
Posted 05 May 2008 - 10:33 PM
Posted 06 May 2008 - 11:34 AM
yeah... I don't really care what people say about the game, Everybody that jumps on that console bandwagon is a f*cking fanboy, until its out on PC, I think its pretty much useless and restrictive.
and theres no way in hell I'm paying for XBL again.
+1.... im so f*cking sick of console games. the controllers are such a step backwards from mouse + keyboard. and having to pay for XBL after i've already shell out $50-60 for a game is f*cking absurd. XBL should be free and included in the price of the xbox.
Posted 06 May 2008 - 02:36 PM
and having to pay for XBL after i've already shell out $50-60 for a game is f*cking absurd. XBL should be free and included in the price of the xbox.
thats why you dont get an xbox.
pc is for muilt player games
consoles are for sports and driving games.
Edited by Florida_Funk, 06 May 2008 - 02:37 PM.
Posted 06 May 2008 - 05:00 PM
thats why you dont get an xbox.
pc is for muilt player games
consoles are for sports and driving games.
gta4 goes both ways (;
but personally i prefer gta games on console. Even though when i started san andreas up on my computer the graphics blew up my mind...
Cause there is alot of driving and running and shooting in gta. the only problem is the shooting with the contoller, but that does not bother me because i always use auto aim anyway, but it would bother me if i had to aim with joystick. Also gta was never really a mulit player intill san andreas decided to try it out...
Posted 06 May 2008 - 08:16 PM
Posted 06 May 2008 - 10:47 PM
gta4 goes both ways (;
but personally i prefer gta games on console. Even though when i started san andreas up on my computer the graphics blew up my mind...
Cause there is alot of driving and running and shooting in gta. the only problem is the shooting with the contoller, but that does not bother me because i always use auto aim anyway, but it would bother me if i had to aim with joystick. Also gta was never really a mulit player intill san andreas decided to try it out...
yea GTA is just one of those games I would have a hard time with on the PC. I've played so much GTA over the years I'm just way more into the console controllers but thats just my opinion.
Posted 07 May 2008 - 04:25 PM
Posted 07 May 2008 - 05:00 PM
Posted 07 May 2008 - 09:17 PM
Posted 20 May 2008 - 10:42 AM
That said, the two days of experience I had were nothing but good, though it seems like the entire first third of the game is one big tutorial (and it takes WAY TOO f*ckING LONG to get to Alongquin and Alderny). The auto-target system is smooth, the driving controls well (though the skids are ridiculous), the story is incredibly engrossing for a rags-to-riches tale, the PLOT TWEESTS are actually unexpected, the AI is top-notch, the characters are all well-developed and fleshed-out (well, most of them), and the setting feels authentic- it's fantastic.
By the way, the new "ring" system does the nearly impossible of making you hate the police even more than in any other GTA game- nothing says frustration like a cop car spotting you three seconds before the alarm dies off. It's incredibly engrossing, though if you EVER get arrested you best just reload a game because it'll take you a year or all your cash to get your gun collection back. It's best to just suicide-by-cop, because the hospital bill doesn't include your guns (that is, unless you're in Florida's position, in which case it's not that big of a deal. But to a starting-out player losing your found guns will be crippling).
Little Jacob is my homeboy.
Oh, and Banshee 4 life comrade
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