Let alone in the tech industry. I would much rather own 5 BMW's over the equivalent in Fords.
You missed the point of my analogy; I would rather own 5 BMW's myself but it's not about you owning, it's about you selling. What I'm saying is Apple sells less copies of OSX at a higher price (I admit this is flawed, when I say sell OSX at a higher price I mean the copy that comes with a Mac, Microsoft doesn't make their own hardware like Apple, but I'm sure you understand what I mean) but because so many more computers with Windows are bought, which are cheaper, Microsoft gets a bigger userbase.
I wouldnt agree with your interpretation of innovation, but if we take that as a given you are saying that Snow Leopard is also very innovative. I doubt we would ever hear those words from you however. About Snow Leopard: "The new system will not focus on new end-user features, but rather on improving performance, efficiency and reducing its overall footprint."
I came in here to say that W7 looks good and not to take stabs at it, but its surprising how very familiar with OSX it is. Im interested to see how they make it have a smaller foot print, removing some of the useless software they include with it. Then again I am equally weary of this whole cloud computing thing. I look forward to giving it a try, but if I have to deal with retarded Microsoft fanbois I might be cautious.
Yes, if Snow Leopard does what Apple says it will, it will be innovative. Any company that can make software which adds features while increasing speed is innovative. Also, useless software? Useless to you maybe, but programs like the DVD Maker and Photo Gallery are useful to many...in fact Apple does exactly the same thing. iPhoto. iMovie. iCal. And so on.
It's not my fault if you get butthurt every time someone points out the flaws of your favorite technology company.

You can't do either of these things on a Mac without using virtualization software or booting into Windows, so what exactly was the point of paying a ridiculous amount for a Mac in the first place? Final Cut? OSx86.