The only thing that really seemed bad about the Warhammer MMO was the graphics, they seemed more cartoony than WoW, if thats even possible.Really there is nothing out at the moment that is just too super good. As far as PvE content goes, WoW is about the best you can do right now, sad to say.
I'm more interested in heavy PvP content, and if you're a PvP fan at all I suggest you check out the new Warhammer Online game that is coming out (hopefully) later this year.
Warhammer Site
I've been following the game religiously for the last few months, and it's gonna be freakin' uber sweet.
Vanguard... Meh.. It's really fun, at first.... But it gets old quickly, and it's not doing so well for itself. I wouldn't recommend it, especially if you actually enjoy having a life outside of your MMO. Vanguard demands A LOT of your time to really get somewhere in, like the original EQ did. If you get into it, you better make sure you're willing to be there for the long haul.
On a side note, I actually enjoy CoV... It may not the be the "best" thing out there right now, but it's unique and coming up with power/costume combinations is pretty damned fun.

I need a different MMO
Posted 02 April 2007 - 04:51 PM
Posted 02 April 2007 - 06:36 PM
Posted 02 April 2007 - 07:51 PM

Posted 04 April 2007 - 04:05 AM
Nah don't steal Jarrod's, we already stole his CoV account. I kind of feel bad for the guy.I know you said you didn't like GW but I could...uh..."Find" you a account, its something to do at least.
Posted 04 April 2007 - 05:48 AM

Posted 04 April 2007 - 06:13 AM
Heh true. Didn't Jarrod steal Josh's account also? And btw Joe want's to have a competition, me and him vs. you and josh. Joe sucks ass due to lack of playing but I can probably compensate for that. He said he'll talk it over with you first period.DONT FEEL BAD FOR HIM HES A QUEER
Posted 04 April 2007 - 01:58 PM
Posted 04 April 2007 - 10:36 PM
Posted 05 April 2007 - 12:11 AM
Nah actually a pretty damn good suggestion. Have you tried the game yourself?the only suggestions I can say are if you are tired of wow, I would suggest D&D if you like the instance feel of mmo's. Other than that basic eq, uo stuff has always been good. Dont get Vanguard unless you like dealing bugs give it awhile longer to try it. just my two cents.. not worth much but eh.
Posted 05 April 2007 - 02:43 PM
Joe sucks ass due to lack of playing but I can probably compensate for that.
LOL WOW that made me laugh...I think if joe plays a whole day he can be better than you or the same hehe

Posted 05 April 2007 - 02:59 PM
Posted 05 April 2007 - 04:52 PM
Alright I just signed up. With a self-overview, I can probably make it in.And btw since you said you were looking forward to AoC might want to go sign up for the beta...
Posted 05 April 2007 - 05:35 PM

Posted 06 April 2007 - 03:09 AM
Posted 06 April 2007 - 03:18 AM
Posted 06 April 2007 - 05:13 AM
/drunken spiel.
Edited by Halcomb the Horrible, 06 April 2007 - 06:28 AM.
Posted 06 April 2007 - 04:58 PM
Yea I did a trial of EVE, it was alright but the tutorial was highly boring.Did anyone say Eve yet? heh. the good thing is you don't have to grind, just pick a skill to train and cut that b*tch off.
Posted 06 April 2007 - 08:37 PM
Yea I did a trial of EVE, it was alright but the tutorial was highly boring.
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